Principal's Message

DA Kalka - 1
Mr. Nikhil Khurana

I am truly honoured and privileged to serve as the Head of Darshan Academy, Kalka. Allow me to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the management of Darshan Education Foundation for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve the community here in Kalka.

At Darshan Academy, we are committed to providing high-quality education that motivates and empowers our students to become lifelong learners and productive members of society. Holistic education at Darshan Academy goes beyond merely imparting information; it is designed to cater to the individual needs and growth  of our students.

Our goal is to help all our students reach their full potential. Success for every student is guaranteed at our school through the delivery of an enriching, child-centered, balanced, and structured curriculum. We maintain a whole-school focus on student welfare, emphasizing positive recognition of student achievements. Teachers at Darshan Academies are dedicated to supporting each student’s learning experience through quality instruction and guidance tailored to the individual child’s needs. Teachers work diligently to provide students with differentiated support, addressing both academic and social needs.

We strongly believe that parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. Parents play a crucial role in their children’s education. We enthusiastically welcome all parents to actively participate in the education of their children and engage in our school life. I am eager to collaborate with our parent community to support their children’s educational journey.

I am optimistic that, with the support of all stakeholders, the school will ascend to the next level of excellence.

“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.”


Nikhil Khurana

Officiating Head

Darshan Academy, Kalka